23 August 2013

IKEA Wall of Fame / My home

I do prefer empty walls at times.  It gives the eyes some space to rest and travel to other highlighted collections.  But I might have to say goodbye to my IKEA Wall of Fame, inspired by 2013 catalogue page 28...  

IKEA 2013

Debating whether or not to place my new TV above the ODDA bench, or perhaps creating a wall of vintage posters -- my mind is in a whirl, finding it rather difficult to say goodbye to the calming white.  There is a collage wall where the Avignon poster sits, and I think it is winning the heart of my other art pieces waiting for a place to call home.  The TV is a whole other story...


  1. I like the blank walls. Bare walls in my place seem boring, but there's still interest there with nothing but the clock hanging!

    1. Thanks Alex - sometimes a good clock is all it takes for that visual interest!

    2. okay. What would you do with the tv if not here?

    3. Sadly Al, I might have to give up my IKEA Wall of fame to the big black monster...


  2. You have a a really nice apartment, love the simple look softened by the natural elements, such as the branches and the sheep skins :)

    1. Thanks so much, Katja! These influences are primarily brought about by my visit to Oslo some years ago, and my home demonstrates that Scandinavian dream of mine. The flat constantly evolves, and is currently going through some changes. As simple as it looks in these photos, I am aiming for a more minimalistic approach…
      X, K.


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